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How to disconnect well on vacation?

How do we do it?

We start by stopping checking our Facebook/Instagram/tweeting every two minutes, we get off our smartphone/computer to enjoy the present. According to a Kelkoo-LH2 study, the majority of French people spend more time on vacation using their high-tech objects than visiting a destination or swimming! Vacations are for unplugging, and not just figuratively. We force ourselves every other day not to watch TV, not to listen to the radio, not to check our emails or answering machine. Radical, but effective. What if we don't? We get help by choosing a detox cure in a specialized establishment (hotel, campsite, etc.).

Where are we going?

Where it doesn't pick up! Head to the Eremito, a former 14th century Italian monastery in the middle of Umbria, where you dine in silence by candlelight, sleep solo in a hermit's cell and get a massage to the sound of Gregorian chants. Disconnection guaranteed! And otherwise ? At Huttopia campsites, there is no Wi-Fi or television in the accommodation. With the travel agency Digital Detox, a single watchword:“Disconnect from technology to reconnect with yourself”. At the Abbey of Lérins, on the island of Saint-Honorat, facing the bay of Cannes, there is no Internet connection either and meals are taken in silence, in a heavenly setting. Other monasteries to recharge your batteries on

The advice of the pro.

Catherine Berliet, author of “And if I took my time! "(Eyrolles, €14.90), coach and trainer in professional efficiency:"On vacation, let's unplug our internal pilots, the Jiminy Cricket that we have on our shoulders and who constantly tells us "hurry up", " be strong", "make an effort", "please", "be perfect". It is these little voices that configure our hard drive and that force us to do more and not necessarily to return to efficiency. How to silence them? Before leaving, we give ourselves 3 objectives that we write on a list (“no longer trying to always please others”, etc.) And we stick to them! »