Family Best Time >> Travel

5 tricks to trick everyone into thinking you're on vacation

1 / We create photos that tear. If you're tough and you have the gear (or accomplices who have it), you take a picture of yourself in front of a green screen in a snorkel-fins-cocktail-smile Colgate-and all the rest and you are embedded via a software like Photoshop or iMovie, on a dream setting (next to DiCaprio in The Beach, hilarious with a tribe of Papuans, on the balcony of Ryan Gosling's house). The idea? Look EVEN happier and in an EVEN BETTER place and in BETTER COMPANY than all your pesky co-workers flooding you with gorgeous Facebook photos that make us want to throw our computer out the window. Otherwise, you always have the Home option "I cut out a photo ID and paste it in place of the head of a model posing at the playa". But you risk getting burned.

> Under the spotlight for a successful selfie

2/ We make memories. You want to pretend that you went to Brazil? Tongue drawn out by concentration, make at home, alone in the dark while the weather is nice outside, small colorful bracelets. There are plenty of tutorials and even DIY kits. You can also buy a pen, some ink and try to start drawing to reproduce an Indonesian painting. "Yes yes, that's very typical!" "Uh…no, it's just ugly actually, but thanks for the gift."

3/ We steal lots of details from Le Routard. ESPECIALLY ON THE FOOD! Because, bellies that we are, one of the first questions we usually ask is:"And we eat well over there?" But YES we eat well! There, you make boxes of it on Loc Lac beef from Cambodia, tortelli verdi from Bologna, mojitos from Brazil (“yes, so much better than in France, you see”). The best? To get to know the place better, get tips and soak up the atmosphere, have a "I travel from my sofa" evening with a typical small meal, DVD, music, etc. Inundate yourself with travel. Live travel. So everyone will believe it. Even you maybe (side effect).

4/ We turn off our phone. History that if they call us, they do not hear our child, our neighbor or our baker bawling and do not discover the trick. Or we blow under the phone and say, "Sorry, I can't talk to you, too windy on this beach!" ". And of course, you don't leave your home to avoid being grilled. We stay at home. Alone. Without contact. Not even with your cat because cats are scales. Hard.

> 10 tips for "disconnecting" on a daily basis

5/ You become a master in Woodspeak. Well yes, because there will inevitably be times when we will not be sure what to answer... For that, we need the survival manual to keep face in any situation:"The art of pipoter" by Benjamin Fabre.

> "The art of pissing", or how not to do (too much) Bridget Jones in public

And if not, we manage to put a little vacation at work, escape from our sofa or even treat ourselves to a short weekend trip, alone or with others. It may be better (and simpler-…