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Sustainable tourism:more and more interested travelers

Sustainable tourism? Yes, yes, it exists and it even interests more and more people, in search of new experiences. It is the site that carried out a study on a global scale to understand how travelers consider sustainable tourism. But what exactly is sustainable tourism? Eco-friendly travel or, in other words, eco-responsible tourism means traveling while respecting nature and the planet. But according to the respondents, these criteria are more or less important... "More than half of the respondents (56%) consider that staying in an eco-responsible establishment constitutes an ecological stay and more than two thirds (68%) confirmed that they would be more likely to choose an accommodation if they knew that it is environmentally friendly,” reveals the study by Booking. However, 22% of people said that they found this kind of place "too expensive" and "less luxurious" or simply that they did not know about sustainable tourism (for 39% of respondents).

The study also looks at the nature of green establishments. We discover that "sustainable accommodation" is not all perceived in the same way... For 16% of travellers, camping would already be a form of responsible tourism, while 22% think that to really live an ecological experience, you should stay in a nature reserve. In addition to the place, 35% of respondents believe that volunteering and discovering local cultures (12%) are important to participate in green tourism.

Even if some tourists remain skeptical of eco-responsible travel, 62% of people would still consider leaving for responsible tourism. It's encouraging for the environment and it makes us want to broaden our horizons!