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Beach bag:what do you put in it?

We've been waiting for this moment for months, this morning it's direction:the plaaaage! But before we go through a small essential step, the bag. If the content is obviously likely to vary, some things are essential. The list below is therefore not exhaustive... but we thought it was a good base!

A bathing suit

Unless you are not interested in a little swim, the swimsuit is absolutely essential, especially if you want to bask in the sun. You can wear it directly under your clothes before heading to the beach, for more speed. In this case, it's the spare underwear that we don't forget!


Failing to take them from the bag, we leave them on our noses, to maximize their usefulness. Well yes, the inside pocket of our bag doesn't really need to protect the eyes... And frankly, nice sunglasses, that's part of the beach look, right?!


We know the dangers of the sun (and UV) on the skin, so there's no question of going out before having generously spread it. And we take it with us to reapply it every two hours and after each swim.

A hat

It's always good to have a small headgear with you, just to avoid sunstroke. If you have a mini-bag, you put the hat directly on your head.

A towel

The towel is a must for the beach, whether you are tempted to take a dip in the water or not! In fact, it's a bit of our all-purpose weapon, whether it's for sitting down, lying down, changing clothes or drying off... It's said:no towel, no beach!

A bottle of water

Hydration is essential. As a reminder, it is recommended to drink 1.5 liters of water a day, and even more in case of hot weather! So to avoid dehydration, don't forget your bottle...

A book or magazine

Reading on the sand is a hobby that concerns many of us. So, for those who love to read to the gentle sound of the waves, don't forget to take your BIBA with you!

A snack

The sea, the sand, the sun... It makes you hungry! If we spend our 4 hours on the beach, we might as well bring a little something to snack on like a cereal bar or a fruit such as an apple or banana.

Our phone

Well yes, even if it seems silly, we have all already forgotten it on the kitchen table, stunned as we are. As a result, we arrive on the beach and leave just as quickly, empty-handed (and above all super pissed off!). Well, it's true that we don't have to take it but without it, how could we Instagram this magnificent view? Or simply let Bibi know that we are sitting next to the big pink buoy? For those who like to listen to music by the sea, don't forget the headphones too!

Our keys

It would still be silly to spend the evening outside and sleep under the stars, just out of haste... Then finding a locksmith during the holidays, it costs a real fortune.

Here we are ready!