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Google Trips:a tourist guide in our smartphone

Everyone loves to travel. On the other hand, what is a little less fun, for some at least, is all the organization and planning that precedes the day of departure. What we are going to do, what day we are going to do it, at what time, where are the nice restaurants, the good addresses, how we are going to get from the airport to the hotel then from the hotel to this little spot nice that we were recommended… But good news:the Google Trips application is there to give us a little (or a big) boost in the organization and planning of our trips.

How does it work?

The principle of Google Trips is therefore to accompany us in the planning of our stays. To do this, the application has a search engine that will collect information on our future trip and on our centers of interest in our personal data (emails, notes, agenda, browsing history, etc.). By rummaging through our emails or our calendar, Google Trips can see that we have planned a great trip to Madrid next month and suggest outings to do there, selfie spots, places not to miss, good little restaurants in the area… The sections of the application are super comprehensive! And as a bonus, you can consult the opinions and recommendations of other Internet users (just to avoid unpleasant surprises!), find the precise addresses of the places you want to go and their opening hours. The real plus? You can synchronize the destination via the application, when you are still in France. This way, once you arrive safely, you can consult the application without the need for Wi-Fi or 3/4G.

Google Trips is available for free on iOS and Android.