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Lonely Planet reveals its top cities to visit in 2017

It was decided in 2017, we are going around the world! We're thinking about telling our boss and saving money, but that...these are details. But then where to start? Berlin, Tokyo, Rio? No, no, we simply take the train to Bordeaux! Incredible but true, the French city was ranked the top city to see in 2017 by Lonely Planet. Yes, ahead of Seoul, Moscow and even Los Angeles! Cape Town occupies 2nd place, the Hollywood city closes the podium in 3rd position, while Portland concludes the ranking in 10th place. We will have understood:next year we are visiting our beautiful country before flying off to distant lands... Cocorico!

Canada is waiting for us

Once the 10 cities of the classification have been visited, it will be necessary to tackle the country not to be missed, always according to the Lonely Planet. Yes, you have to think big. And there, Canada wins first place:breathtaking landscapes, festivals all year round and a very low Canadian dollar, everything is there to make us have a wonderful vacation, even Drake! The rest of the ranking is more surprising… In 2nd position we find Colombia, followed by Finland and in last position, Ethiopia! What a surprise for a trip around the world that is likely to amaze us!