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The 10 French cities to move to in 2017

Want to see the country, take off, change your life? Moving might be the solution! To help those most in a hurry to make their choice, Movehub has produced its top 10 cities to settle in 2017, by combining factors specific to Generation Y such as the median net monthly salary, the cultural offer, the rate of unemployment or even the number of restaurants. And the big winner is… Bordeaux! Thanks to a good ranking on all factors, the so-called "sleeping beauty" takes the lead in this top. In second place, we find Aix-en-Provence, in particular for its sunshine rate, followed by Lyon, which takes third place on the podium thanks to its low unemployment rate. Paris only comes in sixth position, while Clermont-Ferrand closes the ranking. Those who do not intend to move now have ideas for destinations for a short weekend!

Top 10 cities to live in 2017

1) Maroon

2) Aix-en-Provence

3) Lyon

4) Marseille

5) Nice

6) Paris

7) Dijon

8) Toulouse

9) Nantes

9a) Clermont-Ferrand