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Ranking of the most pleasant cities:Vienna dethrones Melbourne in 2018

Every year in the summer, the British analyst firm “Economist Intelligence Unit” publishes its highly anticipated report on the most liveable cities in the world. However, for some time, the surprise was not really there:Melbourne was at the top of the ranking for the 7th consecutive year in 2017. The tide has turned for the Australian city which has today been overtaken by the great 2nd in the ranking last year, Vienna. The Austrian capital has indeed been selected as THE city of good living in front of 140 competitors who are rated according to 5 criteria which are the level of education, the health system, the culture and the environment, the stability or the architecture. . She received top marks in 4 cited categories, earning her an excellent average of 99.1 out of 100.

Vienna crowned twice this year

Melbourne is therefore relegated to 2nd position with a score of 98.4 out of 100, ahead of Osaka in Japan, Calgary in Canada and Sydney in Australia which closes the top 5. Following, Tokyo (Japan) in 6th place, Toronto (Canada), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Adelaide (Australia) in 9th and 10th places. Like last year, Canada holds the record for the number of cities ranked with 3, ahead of Japan. And like last year too, no French city appears in the report... It should be noted that Vienna came top of another ranking carried out in the spring of 2018 - by the firm Mercer this time - on the cities where I love to live. It was acclaimed for "the security it provides to its inhabitants" but also for "the efficiency of its public transport and the diversity of its cultural and recreational structures". For those who are now convinced to want to go to Austria, here is a very complete guide to optimize your stay in the capital. Well, well, we too are going to think about a little getaway… In the meantime, here are some pictures of the big winner. It makes you want to get away!