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Time Out unveils the ranking of the most fun cities in the world

If there are those who are able to judge a city, it is these inhabitants (yes, yes in all objectivity!). The magazine Time Out, specialist in city outings, therefore asked 20,000 inhabitants of 18 cities to judge their place of living according to six criteria:the atmosphere, the dynamism, the welcome, the offer of restaurants and bars, neighborhood life and the cost of living. Result:the city of Chicago wins the prize for the most fun metropolis in the world, followed by Melbourne and Lisbon.

Paris only comes fifteenth

The city of Chicago, in the United States, won all the votes of its inhabitants who raised it to first place in the ranking. It was particularly acclaimed for its range of bars and restaurants, the welcome and friendliness of the people who live there, the places to explore, the reasonable cost of living... In other words, a place where life is good! Melbourne (Australia) comes on the second step of the podium (74% of its inhabitants say they love living there) and Lisbon, the first European city in the ranking, wins the bronze medal, in particular because it is easy to make friends and find love there. And Paris in all this? The city only takes fifteenth place. 91% of residents surveyed believe that it is complicated to live there (that's a lot!) because of the difficulty of making friends and eating at a reasonable price. On the other hand, the city seduces in terms of culture and Parisians are those who go out the most in bars and who make love the most!