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What are the most relaxed and stressful cities in the world?

The start of the new school year is conducive to taking stock, evaluating the year that has passed before moving on to the next chapter. A few weeks ago, the Economist Intelligence Unit analysis firm revealed its annual ranking of the cities where life is good and conversely those where life is the most unpleasant. It is a comparable report recently made by the technology company ZipJet:it established a ranking of the most relaxed cities in the world and those which are the most stressful. How did she do it? She analyzed the "mental health" of an urban area by focusing on "the main stress-related factors, such as unemployment, debt per capita, traffic, public transport, security, pollution and density “, or even the lack of hours of sunshine. And the prize for the most zen city on earth goes to…Stuttgart, in Germany. Well, we will have to start studying the language of Goethe in anticipation of a well-being stay across the Rhine...

Bordeaux present in the world ranking

…Or rather head south-west, since there is indeed a French city in this international ranking. You guessed it, it is Bordeaux, which is in a good 6th position after Munich (5th) and Bern, the Swiss capital (4th). Cock-a-doodle Doo ! The top 3 is completed by the city of Luxembourg (2nd) and Hanover (definitely, it's a full house for our German neighbors!). From 7th to 10th place, we find in order Edinburgh, Sydney, Hamburg (another German city!) and Graz, in Austria. As for the most stressful cities, they are located in regions where living conditions are particularly difficult:Baghdad (Iraq) ranks first, ahead of Kabul in Afghanistan and Laos in Nigeria. The remaining cities are in Senegal (Dakar), Egypt (Cairo), Iran (Tehran), Bangladesh, Pakistan, India (New Delhi) and the Philippines (Manila). We let you admire the pictures of the great winner of the relaxed cities... And congratulations to our national Bordeaux!