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An American travel site offers a world tour for less than €1,500

Traveling around the world is one of the most common dreams. Except that it takes money and time, and if you have one or the other, it is rarer to have both. The ultimate solution is provided by the American travel site Airfare Spot, which has unearthed an incredible offer:it offers to travel 4 continents in 18 days, and all for less than €1,500! The journey represents some 40,000 kilometers and extends over two weeks in the middle of autumn, from November 14 to December 1. The idea is to stay only 2 to 3 days in 6 of the most popular destinations in the world. It is better to have a weakness for dynamic holidays and not to be too affected by jet lag in general…

6 dream stages

The big departure is from New York with a flight to Paris, then from Paris to Abu Dhabi, from where you will have to go to Dubai to catch the third flight to Singapore. The flight from Singapore is bound for Sydney, the one from Sydney will take travelers to Hawaii (Honolulu) before returning to the starting point on a flight that will connect Honolulu to New York. What an adventure ! “This trip is best suited for active people who don't want to stay in one place too long. We have created this itinerary with 2-3 days separating the flights, which seems to be enough to get an idea of ​​a city or a country “, can we read on the site of Airfare Spot. At the time of writing, the total cost of the flights is €1,440, but prices may continue to fluctuate over the next few days. Flights can be booked independently of each other, so there is no obligation to fly all scheduled destinations. Last detail that is important:the expenses obviously do not include the costs of accommodation on site. If you're interested, it's here. Bon voyage!