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5 tips for healthy holidays without depriving yourself

Being active

Let's be logical:if we stay with our feet fanned out by the pool and eat twice as much as usual, we will gain weight, it's mathematical! On the other hand, by moving, we can allow ourselves little extras without an ounce of guilt. So, if you stay at the hotel, you don't hesitate to take advantage of the gym if it's free. If you are not at the hotel, take advantage of every opportunity to move:lengths in the pool, walks, games with the children, walking on the sand or in the sea, beach volleyball, etc. The opportunities abound!

Pay attention to quantities

No question of depriving yourself, we said. So we eat everything, but in reasonable quantities. And we do not hesitate to spread the pleasures over several days (after all, we are not on vacation for just one day!). And as we have time, we try to eat more slowly and enjoy... Quite naturally, we will eat less.

Eat when hungry

On vacation, there is always a good reason to snack:the children's snack, the aperitif, the tasting of products on the market... And the fact is that we end up eating without particularly being hungry (which ends up making us hungry all the time!). So we follow this rule:are we hungry? We eat (not gorging ourselves either if it's just the aperitif). Aren't we hungry? We pass our turn. Simple and (very) effective.

Be careful with alcohol

We may know that cocktails are extremely high in calories, but who can resist a piña colada (not to mention the fact that we're considered the party killjoy…)? It's all about choosing the right drinks:thus, a mojito has fewer calories than a Cosmopolitan (especially if you ask for it without sugar), a Spritz has fewer calories than a glass of wine (thanks to sparkling water !), etc And as far as possible, we are satisfied with a single cocktail rather than chaining the glasses.

Stay hydrated

Many of us confuse thirst with hunger, which leads us to eat more, especially when it's hot. We therefore think of drinking a glass of water each time we are “hungry”; if it was thirst, the feeling should go away fairly quickly. And if you have any doubts, opt for foods rich in water (watermelon, melon, cucumber, salad, etc.) which kill two birds with one stone.

And above all, we enjoy the holidays!!