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3 tips for (well) sleeping on the plane

Going to the other side of the world is great, but arriving exhausted because you couldn't sleep during the 12 hour flight... it's a little less fun! When you are not lucky enough to travel in first class or business class, it can be difficult to find sleep in a narrow and/or noisy place (and there, it is not a question of whether you are afraid or not, it's just physically impossible). We give you some tips to get there more easily.

1/ Choose the right area on the plane

Here's something to keep in mind when booking your ticket (sorry if it's too late, it will be useful next time!):not all areas of the plane are visited in the same way. Clearly, having a place near the toilets is a good idea, but it also means that you will be in the way all the time and that there will be noise. Ditto if we choose the tail of the plane, where the hosts and stewardesses stay during the flight:there will inevitably be a little noise since they will chat, laugh, etc.

2/ Opt for the seat near the window

Similarly, not all seats are created equal. We are not going to linger on the side seats in the middle row in a big plane… The best option for sleeping in peace? Select the place near the window. Well, it is clear that it might not please the other passengers in the row if we decide to close the blind when the view is very beautiful, but after all, they only had to take a seat next to the window if they are there for the view! There, at least, we will not be disturbed by the passage and we can wedge ourselves against the wall of the plane. Good to know:the side of the plane would be important. Indeed, according to some specialists, if you are right-handed, you would be more comfortable leaning to the right to sleep, and to the left if you are left-handed. To be tested!

3/ Equip yourself well

If we missed the mark when booking, we can make up for it by being well equipped on D-Day! So we take a helmet to cut out the noise, a mask to cover our eyes and a big sweater to keep warm (because on a plane, it gets caiiiiille!). We can add anything that helps us sleep:travel pillow (on which we will have sprayed soothing mist), thick socks, comforter…

Come on, it's said, the next time we have a long trip, we'll arrive fresh as the dew!