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Travel:the 10 best (and worst) countries to move to

Going abroad also means changing your life, opening yourself up to other encounters and even to professional opportunities! A great project, then, but which can quickly turn into a nightmare when you don't know which country will best meet your expectations. So if you don't want to select it blindly, the InterNations website carries out an "Expat Insider" study every year and delivers the best (and not so good) countries to move to. The ranking is based on several criteria such as the reception of the inhabitants, the activities, the cost of living, the security or even the professional life... and the results are sometimes surprising!

Bahrain at the top of the ranking

And the winner is… Bahrain! This Persian Gulf archipelago is located west of Qatar and would be, according to this ranking, the best country (out of a list of 65) to move to, due to its magnificent landscapes and its many professional opportunities. In 2nd place, we find Costa Rica, then Mexico and Taiwan. In 5th place, Portugal, which would be one of the safest countries for foreigners, followed by New Zealand and Malta, which are also among the most interesting destinations professionally thanks in particular to the distribution of working hours or the employment Security. Colombia takes 8th place in the ranking, followed by Singapore and finally Spain, where the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. The majority of these 10 countries are also those where you would feel most welcome (and that's important)! On the other hand, the countries that find themselves at the end of the ranking are Turkey, in 56th position, followed by India, Qatar, Ukraine, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Nigeria, Kuwait and finally Greece. Such a distribution can be explained by a bad economic situation or even an insufficient quality of life despite the progress already noted! As for France, it ranks 38th… We still hope for a better score in 2018! So, do you want to leave?