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What to do when you miss your plane?

Having a plane to catch is stressful for many people, and not just those with a phobia of flying. Indeed, taking the train is pretty cool, our identity card is enough and we can arrive ten minutes before boarding. For the plane, it's another story:it is necessary that our passport is valid and to be there several hours in advance in order to register, to pass the possible customs... In short, it's stressful! And it can happen that, despite all our efforts, something unexpected happens like a broken pillow, problems with public transport or a lot of people on the road. There you go:we missed our plane! Rather than mope, it is better to act:the Skyscanner flight comparator has compiled a practical guide to summarize our rights.

Refund:flight no, airport taxes yes

Let it be said right away:in the event of a missed flight, the cancellation insurance does not allow you to be reimbursed, since basically it is our fault. However, it is possible that our personal insurance and/or that linked to our credit card covers this kind of concern, provided that we are able to prove that it is beyond our control (illness, accident or even loss of life). 'use). There, you have to check in our contract or ask our insurance company directly. On the other hand, good news:it is possible to hope for a refund of part of the ticket price, taxes (airport, civil aviation, environmental security and solidarity). Well yes, we did not take this flight, no reason to pay these damn taxes (they are linked to the number of passengers on the plane)! However, you must submit a tax refund request to the airline, by post or email, and absolutely request a refund online (if this is not the case, a fee of up to 20% may be withdrawn from the amount refunded).

Alright well, it's bad luck, but we're not going to let it get you down!