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#TooLatergram:WWF's shock campaign that reveals the ravages of pollution

Heavenly landscapes flourish on Instagram. Who in the office or at the bottom of their couch has never drooled over one of these photos? Or never envied the bloggers who set foot there?

Yet what looks like paradise is gradually turning into hell. And it is this other facet that the WWF France association with the advertising agency TBWA wanted to highlight. Together, they have launched a shock campaign to make globetrotters aware, among other things, of the increasingly serious ravages of pollution.

To achieve this and have an audience, the association called on nine influencers with tens of thousands of followers. Their missions if they accepted it? Post each on their Instagram account photos of places worthy of a postcard:the Australian Great Barrier Reef, Guyana, Mont Blanc, the island of Sumatra, California, Henderson Island, Brazil, the North Svalbard or the Yangtze River. Not to mention the location though. Shots too good to be true that had all been retouched.

It wasn't until a few days later that the actual photos were released along with the following message:"Unfortunately this place doesn't look like this anymore:#TooLatergram. But let's save the places that can still be."

Just watch this video to discover these landscapes destroyed by pollution, climate change, deforestation or even the acidification of the oceans. A way to invite Generation Y to act for the environment and their descendants. And nothing better than Instagram, the travel social network to get the message across.