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Pathport, the Instagram-based travel guide

In the age of social networks, Instagram has become much more than a space for sharing photos:it's the place where beauty and food trends are launched, but also a place where good deals are exchanged. , especially when it comes to travel. Yes, many of us have started planning a trip after seeing inspiring photos on Instagram. This is what prompted Laurence Foucher to create Pathport, a 2.0 travel guide (the name is a play on words between "path", path in English, and "passport").

Unusual and 100% safe

Pathport's idea? Ask Instagrammers (handpicked:they all have a real sense of aesthetics, a great knowledge of the destination and a large number of followers) to create guides from their 15 to 20 favorite places which must be confidential addresses, generally known only to locals. The goal is to offer an original but also very practical guide:if you want to reproduce the cliché, you know exactly where to go. In addition to the photos, each guide is packed with information, including the answer to the question "Why go to this place?" “, but also what not to miss on the spot and the best time to go there. It's as if we were discussing a destination with a friend who would have spotted the trendy places not to be missed. Great!

For the moment, the “Paths” are available in English, for $4.99 (about €4.70) per destination (16 in total). While waiting for the French version, you can always browse Pathport's Instagram account... Er, when's the next vacation?