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Italy ranked the healthiest country in the world

We recently learned that the UN had crowned Norway as the “happiest country in the world”. But it is not only in the Scandinavian countries that life is good because the dolce vita is also on the coast! Indeed, the financial company Bloomberg recently unveiled an in-depth public health study from which it established a ranking of the 163 healthiest countries on the planet. And with a score of 93.11/100, Italy ranks first on the podium, ahead of Iceland (91.21) and Switzerland (90.75). France, meanwhile, comes in 14th position with a score of 85.59/100.

Top-notch food and healthcare

To achieve the ranking, the criteria used were as follows:life expectancy, causes of death, risk of disease, prevalence of obesity, access to drinking water and gas emissions. Therefore, according to Bloomberg, in the land of Dante a man could hope to live to be 80 years old. This quality of life, Italy owes it in part to its food customs. Indeed, rich in extra-virgin olive oil, fresh vegetables, lean meats, dried fruits and fish, the Mediterranean diet is often praised for its benefits in protecting against the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension or cholesterol and would allow even fight depression. In addition, the Italian health system has a fairly good reputation. Indeed, not only can citizens benefit from free and universal access to care, but the number of health professionals identified in Italy is significant, so much so that Bloomberg speaks of “excess of doctors”. In a country where the economic situation is far from being in good shape, it is clear that Italy can still count on a population in great shape!