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Holidays in France:the most beautiful places in Brittany you absolutely must visit this summer

Brittany wins you over! At least, that's what our Community Manager, Breton and proud of it, regularly tells us. This region of France is one of the little gems where we love to go. The landscapes are breathtaking, the beaches as far as the eye can see gives us impressions of the ends of the world and the walks along the paths, continually delight fans of walking and cycling. Brittany is in the ranking of the most popular regions for the summer. A completely understandable choice after a year of alternating confinements, we only dream of wide open spaces!

Holidays in France:the most beautiful places in Brittany to visit

To prepare your schedule for holidays in Brittany , we found the perfect book! Discovering the most beautiful places in Brittany , published by Éditions Larousse, offers a short tour of the region to discover its most beautiful lands. We then appreciate these walks punctuated with historical anecdotes, information on culinary and folk traditions, on the main monuments and things to see. We then really want to discover the island of Saint-Cado , where fresh water mixes with salt; but also, the Pol chapel , surrounded by rocks. Beach lovers will not be able to resist Bréhat , while those who like hiking, will go to the side of the Douaniers trail . A great program for a holiday that promises to be rejuvenating!

"Discovering the most beautiful places in Brittany" , published by Larousse editions, €14.95.

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