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The 5 products we always forget to pack for vacation

Packing your suitcase for the holidays is one of the least fun things for most people to do, after unpacking. It is therefore almost inevitable that you forget some things. Even if you pack well in advance, that doesn't mean you won't forget anything. And that can be annoying. We have therefore listed 5 products that are always forgotten, but you will never forget from now on.

Prescription drugs
You may not forget to take your medicines on time every day, but remember to take them with you on vacation? Forgotten medicines can lead to a search through many pharmacies, which may not even have them or for which you have to pay a lot. The general practitioner cannot send a prescription to a foreign pharmacy either, since the legislation differs per country. So if you depend on medicines, don't forget to pack them.

Glasses, contact lenses and solution
If you can't see or read well, your vacation could be ruined if you forget your glasses or contact lenses. After all, it takes a while before the glasses are made to your prescription. It is easier to purchase lenses if you know your strength, but abroad it can cost a lot of money. Make sure you buy extra lenses well in advance and put them in your suitcase or handbag. This can be done very easily on, for example. It is also useful to purchase a travel set of contact lens solution, so that you do not have to lug around large bottles.

Nowadays we use debit cards more than we walk around with cash. Bring some cash (in the local currency, if needed) so you can buy a drink when you arrive, or take a taxi, as not every airport has an ATM. Moreover, debit card payments abroad cost money.

Warm clothes Even if you are on your way to a summer destination, the air conditioning on buses, taxis, planes or airports can make you feel cold. So it's always smart to bring something warm that you can wear when you need to. And the weather can always change anywhere.

Makeup If you're someone who doesn't go out without makeup, don't forget this. Things can get annoying when you've arrived at your destination and want to get ready only to find that you've left your makeup bag at home. How are you going to have breakfast now? Although you can purchase some products on site, they may not have your favorite brand. Or is this an expense that you have not counted on.

Do you always forget about everything? Get everything ready in plenty of time!