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Seven unmissable Frisian moments of happiness in autumn

Times of social distancing and staying inside made sure that we perhaps thought a little less about what is still possible. In Friesland and on the Wadden Islands you will find peace, space and freedom to recharge; on the water, along the beach or in the woods. Every reason to make that trip to Friesland in the autumn and to experience moments of happiness. We have already listed the best tips for this autumn.

Exhibition Maria Louise, Princess of Orange in Leeuwarden
20 June 2020 to 20 October 2025 – Princessehof Ceramics Museum
The city palace in the historic city center owes its name to the German founding mother of our current royal family:Maria Louise van Hessen-Kassel, Princess of Orange-Nassau . She lived here from 1731 until her death in 1765. The exhibition shows her eventful life. Here it becomes clear how Maria Louise has been crucial in preserving the Orange dynasty.

Exhibition At Home at M.C. Escher in Leeuwarden
July 6, 2020 to December 31, 2021 – Keramiekmuseum Princessehof
At home with M.C. Escher shows the Princessehof as the birthplace of the world-famous graphic artist M.C. Escher. In the intimate exhibition, the visitor gets to know the young Maurits Escher through childhood photos, objects and a documentary. There is also an impressive 'Escherian' mural by renowned 3D street artist Leon Keer.

Seven unmissable Frisian moments of happiness in autumn UNESCO World Heritage Woudagemaal – (C) Theo de Witte

100 years Woudagemaal:UNESCO World Heritage in Lemmer
Open all year round. The shooting days are listed on the website
The oldest steam pumping station in the world is celebrating its 100th anniversary and still plays a crucial role in Frisian water management. At high tide, this pumping station still ensures that the Frisians keep their feet dry. When in use (on so-called shooting days), the building and adjacent lake are completely shrouded in fog. A spectacular sight. There are guided tours and an exhibition.

Seven unmissable Frisian moments of happiness in autumn Credits:Mijke Bos

Winter mudflat hiking:a unique experience from Schiermonnikoog and Ameland
October to April
Walk on the bottom of the sea, even in winter. While it may be icy white around you, you walk on the dry Wad accompanied by a guide. Sometimes quite a tough challenge. But once you walk on the muddy bottom of the sea in the middle of no man's land, it is more than worth all that effort.

Dark Sky Parks:admire the Milky Way in Lauwersmeer and Terschelling
Visit the websites for current opening times and tours through the parks
In Friesland you will find the only two Dark Sky Parks in the Netherlands. This official title was awarded by the International Dark Sky Association. These are areas where light pollution is kept to a minimum, allowing you to see the nebula of the Milky Way in good weather. The next day, visit the Eise Eisinga Planetarium, the world's oldest working planetarium.

Seven unmissable Frisian moments of happiness in autumn Dark Sky Park – (c) Marcel van Kammen

Art Month on Ameland
November 1 to November 30
Ameland organizes the Art Month every year. This popular event attracts art lovers and visitors from all over. Logically, the island is also beautiful in the fall and visitors are treated to films, exhibitions, music performances and tastings throughout the month. The theme of 2020 is Slow.

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Header photo:Ameland – (c) Sabina van Dijk