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Summer rental scam via the classifieds:how not to be fooled?

Going through classified ads to rent a property for the summer holidays is a very widespread procedure and one that has developed strongly in recent years with the Internet. But beware, many fraudulent ads are rampant. Some common sense advice to avoid getting trapped.

Summer rental scam via the classifieds:how not to be fooled?

Rely on the average rental price for properties of the same type

Finding your summer rental via the classifieds already requires spending a little time looking around for those that correspond to your wishes. In this way, you will have an idea of ​​the average rental price of the property you are looking for. A classified ad with a price that is too low compared to the average should alert you, it is often the sign of a scam.

Carry out your investigation into the identity of the lessor and the property

If in doubt about a summer rental by classified ads that interests you, do not hesitate to call the tourist office of the coveted region to find out if this property really exists. These organizations have often heard of vacation rental scams and they will be able to tell you more or direct you to other local actors who can confirm whether or not this rental exists.

It is also advisable to find out about the identity of the renter by doing research on the Internet. With their email address and telephone number, you will see how this person is identified, especially on forums that denounce summer rental scams. On the other hand, you can, thanks to Google image and Google Street View, for example, check that the rental corresponds to the photos that will have been sent to you. You can also ask the rental company for other photos than those in the ad. If he can't provide them, it may be because he copied and pasted them from a real ad and is trying to scam you.

Ask for a rental agreement

A serious owner, who will rent his property to you for the summer holidays, will send you a rental contract, with the details of the property, which guarantees the good faith of the transaction in the event of a future dispute. So, beware of rental companies who do not offer you such a contract. Above all, do not send any document relating to your private life such as your family record book or a bank account statement. The lessor who asks you for such proof does not have the right to do so and he can then use it to usurp your identity.

Do not pay a deposit or deposit without a rental contract

If the owner of the summer vacation rental you have found on the classifieds asks you for a deposit or deposit, never do so if you do not have the signed rental contract in your possession. . Above all, run away if the rental company asks you to transfer money by money order via Money Order or Western Union:scammers use these banking practices to extort money from you that you will never be able to recover. Another tip:never send the full cost of your summer rental up front.

If unfortunately you have been tricked by a fraudulent summer rental ad or if you suspect crooks behind an ad, do not hesitate to report it on the made available by the Ministry of the Interior.