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How to Use Less Tires in a Car?

How to Use Less Tires in a Car?

For those who find their tires wear out way too fast, it There is a simple trick to remedy this:drive more slowly. Explanations.

In fact it's simple as pie:with only 10 km/h less than my usual speed, the wear of my tires is already much reduced.

Concretely, as soon as I'm on the highway for example, I drive at 120 km/h instead of 130. It's a good habit that I try to apply for any type of trip. In addition it saves me from having big problems with gentlemen speed cameras :-).

You see the eco driving , There is no simpler. It's just a series of small gestures to respect when driving to simplify your life while pleasing your wallet.

Do you also drive slower to save your tyres? Let us know what you think in the comments.


If I drive at 80 km/h instead of 100 km/h, my tire wear is reduced by 35%! eco-driving is really very effective and it saves a lot of money for my wallet. Especially since a tire costs at least 100 euros depending on the model and you still need 4 to drive well;-).

Another interesting aspect:the risk of a fine is reduced. So, in addition to keeping your tires, you will keep your points on your license! It's true, everyone knows it, but it's still worth repeating, isn't it?