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How to Learn Guitar Alone for Free. My Pro Tips.

How to Learn Guitar Alone for Free. My Pro Tips.

Want to learn guitar? But taking private lessons is expensive. Enrolling in a school is restrictive, and it is also expensive. But you can very well learn alone, and for free. Here are some tips for getting the basics right.

What you need

Already, to learn the guitar,you need a guitar , logic. You can borrow one from someone you know, or pick up a used one for cheap.

For those who are really motivated, you can buy one. However, avoid Milonga , they are overpriced and there is very little choice. Prefer stores like Woodbrass .

If you are left-handed, be careful, left-handed guitars are a bit more expensive and there are fewer choices.

You also need a good dose of motivation . No miracles! I think anyone can learn the guitar if they are really motivated. If it's just the fad of the week, it won't work.

Start by Learning

First, you have to learn the basic chords. Most pop, rock, variety, chanson, folk songs are built with these chords. Memorize their names and the corresponding finger positioning. Learn especially English names (on the internet, you will only see those).

C=do, D=d, Dm=d minor, E=mi, Em=mi minor, G=sol, A=la, Am=a minor.

These agreements are not hard to execute. You will find how to make them here. Learn them by heart, then place your fingers correctly on the fretboard. Try to ring them by strumming the strings with the other hand.

You Play Guitar!

I know, "it hurts your fingers", "it doesn't work", "it's rotten!". It's normal. Practice by placing your fingers carefully. Once you know how to make the chords, try stringing them together. Do them in any order, and faster and faster. You are integrating the transitions.

Now learn a rhythm to do with the right hand (for right-handers). On Youtube, dozens of videos are available for this. Take a 4 beat rhythm, it's easier. Learn it by heart, and do it until the gesture is fluid.

Practice stringing chords back and forth with your rhythm. It's starting to ring? Well done ! For example, you are able to play Knockin' on heaven's door (L, R, Am).

The Barre

Fa (F) is also an extremely used chord. You will take time to integrate it. The principle is to bar all the strings with your index finger. It hurts a little I know, but insist. With force, you will get there.

Little trick, you can put a capo on the second or third box. The barre will be easier to pass, the strings will be less hard.

You can integrate the Fa into your chords, and try to chain it with the others.

Play regularly

To progress, all you need to do is gain fluency (which is acquired by playing a lot) and learning songs. You will find something to work on abctabs, ultimate guitar, or the song box.

Now you can also try to sing along, or have someone sing while you play.

Final Tips

Trust your ears more than a web page. If you feel that it does not pass, it does not pass. Do not hesitate to test, experiment with things. The goal is to train the ear, so it is she who has to work the most.

Don't try to mimic Van Halen or Hendrix until you've mastered all of these basics. Solos can only be achieved after rigorous learning of chords and rhythms.

Take your time. To learn all this, you don't necessarily need a teacher.

How are you ? Do not hesitate to ask me questions in the comments, I will be happy to answer them :).

How to Learn Guitar Alone for Free. My Pro Tips.

Savings Achieved

About 25€ an hour for a private lesson per week, if the months accumulate, that's a lot!

With these small techniques, you may save 3 months of lessons on average. This represents 300€ of economy. Not bad is not it ? All it takes is a little motivation and perseverance.