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My 3 Tips for Eating Berries for Free or at Reduced Prices.

My 3 Tips for Eating Berries for Free or at Reduced Prices.

The price of fruits is climbing more and more in this beginning of summer .

But never mind, I have my little tricks to gorge myself on cherries, strawberries, raspberries or blackberries for next to nothing.

The summer heat makes me crave fruit, and that's good, it's the season for strawberries, cherries, blackberries and raspberries. Yum ! But given the price per kilo in the supermarket, it's not won!

Fortunately, there are alternatives to big box stores. Here's the topo,

1. Pesticide-free wild blackberries at €0 per kilo

Blackberries are becoming increasingly rare on the fruit and vegetable shelves. So, I'm going to pick them directly at the edge of the forest. It's wild, it's good, it's organic :p and I don't spend a penny!

2. Pesticide-free cherries at €0 per kilo

Sometimes to save, you have to work a little. For the cherries, I suggest to my grandmother's friends, who are sometimes lucky enough to have a garden and a large cherry tree, to help them pick them. Well yes poor people, it's not easy at 80 to climb a ladder.

So, me, nice as I am, I go see them (they love it) and for 2 hours, I pick everything I can. And I leave with a basket filled with delicious cherries to thank me for the service rendered. And in addition, I was able to tan for free at the same time.

3. Organic strawberries and raspberries at €2 per kilo

For strawberries and raspberries, it's a bit the same principle. Many producers offer to come and do their market by picking or picking up their "shopping" directly from local orchards, gardens and vegetable patches.

And since it's strawberry season... let's pick! Instead of paying €4.50 per kilo in the supermarket, I recently paid only €2 for my kilo of strawberries and it's organic too!

And you ? What are your tips for enjoying fruit at a lower cost? Come and share your tips with us in the comments.

Savings achieved

For once, I eat red fruits every day at the moment. And hold on tight, I've calculated the savings for a month.

I only spend a maximum of €10/month in summer, counting a total of 5 kilos of strawberries or raspberries, and about 5 kilos of cherries and 3 kilos of blackberries.

If I had bought all this at the supermarket and given the current prices per kilo, I would normally have to spend around 70€. So I easily and pleasantly saved 60€

And with all that, I filled up on fruits by preparing happy salads, smoothies, ice creams, fruit cocktails, jams, compotes and many other culinary experiments but I also enjoyed it to make me firming cosmetic masks or pillows with cherry stones.