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Why Home Delivery of Diapers is a Good Economical Plan?

Why Home Delivery of Diapers is a Good Economical Plan?

Having your diapers delivered to your home:a solution that is both economical and practice offered by many websites. Since I tested this system, I have definitely adopted it!

280. No, I'm not talking about the famous Mac'Donalds sandwich. 280 is the average number of diapers a baby soils each month...

And since I hate playing donkeys when I go shopping, I discovered a great system for buying my diaper packs:the internet. The net is indeed full of sites dedicated to childcare, all of which offer attractive offers, including delivery!

Destocking and Promotions:Diapers up to 50% cheaper

To take advantage of it, just type “cheap diapers” into a search engine. Dozens and dozens of pages appear. It's up to you to compare prices depending on the brand and size you are looking for.

Why Home Delivery of Diapers is a Good Economical Plan? Last week, I made a large order of Huggies diapers, offered at 50%. Instead of €53.58 for 4 packs of 34 Size 3 nappies, they were displayed at €26.79. Same for Sizes 4 and Sizes 5.

I didn't hesitate for a second and ordered three sets (one of each size, just to have a head start for the following months).

And thanks to a discount code found on the internet, I was able to save an additional €5 on the total of my order. I therefore paid €75.30 instead of the €160.60 initially displayed .

Free Delivery from 60 € of Purchase

Last but not least, the 360 ​​diapers were delivered to my home. Three days after the validation of my order, a delivery man took me up the huge box (and even agreed to take it back to the garage in front of my pleading look!). In general, the sites offer free delivery (at home or at a pick-up point) from purchases of €60. Believe me, we're there fast!

No matter how hard I look, I don't see a single reason that could push me to go back to buy diapers in stores given the prices on the internet and the possibility of having everything delivered to your home.

How do you manage the purchase of nappies for your little one? Leave me your testimonials in comments.