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7 Super Good Plans To Be Hosted For Free During Your Trip.

7 Super Good Plans To Be Hosted For Free During Your Trip.

Travelling is expensive. Especially if you travel like everyone else.

Of course there is transport, but that's not all.

Accommodation is often the most expensive thing, especially when traveling for a long time.

So, what if we don't know anyone who can accommodate us there?

What would you say to being able to be accommodated, for free, anywhere in the world?

Here are 7 great tips to be hosted, for free, anywhere in the world:

7 Super Good Plans To Be Hosted For Free During Your Trip.


This website provides access to classified ads from owners who are looking for people to take care of their home, in exchange for free accommodation.

By becoming a member (approximately 30 € per year for the subscription), you have access to a wide variety of offers:"house sitting", agricultural workers on a farm, management of a motel or service for the elderly.

There are many destinations on offer:the United States, Australia, Europe and even Micronesia.

In all cases, you are housed for free in return for a service you provide.

Click here to access this site.


WWOOF is an acronym for “World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms”. This website is a global network of farms, present in more than 100 countries around the world.

Operation is simple.

Hosts offer to welcome "WWOOFers" to share their know-how, their daily life and their activities with the possibility, for the latter, of being offered room and board.

The activities range from simple gardening, to maintaining a farm, but also cooking, teaching or babysitting.

If you're ready to embrace this lifestyle, chances are you'll find an activity that's right for you.

Woofing is a great way to gain valuable experience abroad, make friends, and cover the cost of living in a constructive way.

Most countries require a subscription to access contact details for farms hosting Wwoofers. The price of registration varies from region to region, but is never overpriced, considering the experience you can get from it.

Click here to access this site.


If you are happy to spend your holidays keeping a house (house-sitting in English), you will surely find what you are looking for on this website.

This site provides access to lists of people who are looking for people to keep their homes.

The durations can vary from a few days to a few months. Offers are available all over the world.

For security and deposit issues, you will obviously have to show your credentials when you register.

There are 2 types of subscriptions. One, free, which offers limited options. And another, at $50, which gives you access to all services for 1 year.

Click here to access this site.


Couchsurfing is a network of people who are willing to open their homes and their hearts to meet friendly, thrifty travelers like you.

The site prides itself on having only quality members, and having a system in place to ensure the safety of travelers and hosts.

Of course, that's not why you shouldn't take the necessary precautions before going abroad to someone you don't know.

But the review and comment system should help you find like-minded people.

Note that the site still has more than 4 million members in more than 200,000 cities around the world! You should be able to find your happiness there!

Click here to access this site.


Similar to Couch Surfing, Global Freeloaders is a cultural exchange program for hosts and travelers.

It's completely free to sign up and use, but all members are encouraged to host as many guests as they travel.

In other words, it's give and take. If you host 10 times, you can also be hosted 10 times when you travel.

I find the principle interesting, even if the site does not look like much. Moreover, when you read the testimonials on this page (in English), you realize that users love the service!

Click here to access this site.


Servas is a non-profit association, which allows people from different countries and cultures to meet.

It is an association independent of any political, philosophical or religious tendency or organization.

This international network brings together more than 15,000 members on all continents.

Founded over 50 years ago, Servas enables people of all backgrounds to visit and get to know each other as part of their daily lives.

How it works ? The hosts welcome travelers to their home for generally 2 nights (or more) and also offer dinner.

To ensure that meetings between travelers and hosts go as smoothly as possible, travelers must complete an in-person interview before being accepted into the program.

Once accepted, travelers have access to a list of all hosts in their destination country. Be aware that there are membership fees that vary from country to country.

Click here to access this site (in English) and here for the French version of the site.


Hospitality Club is a completely free website for both hosts and travelers.

Site security is ensured by a series of passport controls, as well as a feedback system between hosts and guests.

The site has nearly 350,000 members in over 200 different countries.

Click here to access this site.

There you go, you now know the best sites to be hosted abroad for free :-)

If you know of others or if you have already tested these sites, tell us about your experiences in the comments here.