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Trip with children Sealife Scheveningen

Everything about out tip Sealife Scheveningen, including review and photos. A day at the beach in Scheveningen can easily be combined with a visit to Sealife. Here you will find all information about Sealife Scheveningen and you can also read what we as a family thought of our visit to Sealife.

Tip with children Sealife Scheveningen

I know Sealife Scheveningen from the past when the old Waveslagbad closed and was converted into what it is today. The last time I visited Sealife was in 2004 when my children were under 6 years old. We are now more than 12 years later and in many respects nothing seems to have changed.

Various animals are fed throughout the day, where visitors are provided with information about the animal. In addition, questions can of course also be asked. You don't necessarily have to wait until feeding time for this, there are many employees around who are happy to answer all your questions. For example, I personally missed feeding the piranhas, but afterwards I talked to one of the nurses and was able to ask her many questions.

There is a special area where you can put your hands in the tank and view the different inhabitants of the sea from above. In itself a very nice idea, but on a busy day you hardly have a chance to get involved. Maybe pick a quiet day during the week during the holidays.

Recommended :at the tunnel you really have to sit down for a while. Then you see the sharks swimming above you, a large sea turtle, schools of various fish and much more. You actually imagine yourself in an aquarium when you look up.

Negative :Older children (my children were already 15 and 12 years old when they visited Sealife Scheveningen) will probably get bored quickly and get bored of the fish and other sea creatures pretty quickly. It seems to me to be quite an experience for small children up to the age of 8, especially because of the different spaces you walk through.


Unfortunately, the entrance to Sealife Scheveningen is quite pricey. We happened to have discount cards, so we only had to pay entrance for 2 people (instead of 4) and that made a difference. As a family, we would have lost 4 x 16.00 or € 72.00.

General information Sealife Scheveningen

Before you read my own experience you will find general information about Sealife here.

Address :Sealife Scheveningen

Strandweg 13

The Hague

Opening hours :10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

July &August:10:00 AM – 8:00 PM

Accessibility :there are no direct parking spaces in front of the door, because Sealife is located on the boulevard. You can park your car at various places in Scheveningen (note:paid parking is available everywhere) and then walk along the boulevard to Sealife.

Sealife can also be reached by public transport:tram 1 and 9 (Kurhaus stop) or bus 21, 22 and 23 (Kurhaus stop)

Access :€ 16.00 (per adult)

€ 12.50 (3 to 11 years old)

Online there is a discount of 25% on the regular entrance price

Special arrangements :valid for schools and birthday parties

Excursion tip Sealife Oberhausen

Update:we have now also been to Sealife in Oberhausen. In the meantime the children are even older and despite that they enjoyed our visit to Sealife Oberhausen as teenagers. I don't know if it is actually bigger, but the interior differs from Scheveningen. If, like us, you've had enough, then you can at least go shopping in the CentrO opposite. And the inner person has also been thought of, with all kinds of nice hotspots on the outside.

*the photos are from the internet, as my own photos have disappeared 🙂