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Dirty butt week in Dierenrijk:let your children smell a poopie

Wash your hands, brush your teeth, and don't stain your pants. Normally we have a day job:keeping our kids clean. Actually an impossible job. So we wash more than we like, just to let children be children too. Long live the washing machine and our remedies, which get almost everything clean again. And long live getting dirty † At Dierenrijk Nuenen, they have understood that it is wonderful for kids (unlike for moms) when things get dirty. Plus, it's educational too! That's why they're having a actual pervert week organized. Something for those perverts of yours?

Animal kingdom Nuenen

Animal Kingdom Nuenen . is located in North Brabant † You can go there all year round for a wonderful zoo outing. Attend feeding presentations, cuddle with the seals or test your knowledge during the animal quiz. And don't forget to submit your best photo for the monthly photo contest!

This summer, from 15 to 22 July , a very special event is taking place in Dierenrijk Nuenen, which your children will certainly not be averse to. So get yourself a familypack detergent on:the Viespeukenweek is just around the corner!

Read also: children and animals, 5 advantages in a row!

The Dirt Week

How long are an elephant's intestines? How can a skunk smell so bad? And who will build the tallest tower of elephant turds? You already hear it:those who are afraid of dirty hands should avoid Dierenrijk Nuenen during the pervert week. Tasting insects or looking for slimy critters by touch - nothing is too crazy. Fortunately, you can secretly learn a lot from all that filth! Even mom and dad will learn something from it… if they dare to leave the restaurant with all that filth 😉 . But don't be afraid:for real emergencies you can always contact Professor Poets and Doctor Doek:the heroes of Dierenrijk Nuenen during the Viespeukenweek (at least for moms).

Professor Poets and Doctor Cloth

No no, you don't necessarily have to take your grandmothers with you. Professor Poets and Doctor Doek are just as good at cleaning children as your grandmothers are. Armed with cleaning cloths and cleaning products, they go in search of dirty children in Dierenrijk Nuenen, in order to get them completely clean again. Dad doesn't have to worry about the ride back anymore 😉 .

Do you also want to go to the Viespeukenweek? Then order your tickets online. If you order tickets by date, you also get a discount. Saves another portion of grasshoppers 😉 . Also   Joyce is going to take a look with her own perverts, you can read what they thought of it afterwards!

tip:Isn't it convenient this week, or do you really not live in the area? Then check all other zoos in the Netherlands in this handy overview.