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Not on vacation? 7 tips for a great summer for your children!

We are not going on holiday this summer. This also means that we do not spend three weeks with the family at the campsite or in a holiday home. No 'flute' at the French bakery early in the morning and no 'gelato' at the Italian in the village. Not Costa de Sol, but Costa del Lekko (we live in a town on the Lek). Still, as a mother, I want to make it a fun summer holiday for the children. Without too much hassle, we still have the holiday feeling, even if we don't go on holiday. You too? I'll give you 7 tips for a great holiday at home.

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Not on holiday but still having a nice holiday

Take it easy with your daily routine

During your holiday, your daily routine often changes. You may sleep a little longer and many children stay up longer at night. The first week of the holiday I still stuck to the school rhythm. But it was getting hot in the Netherlands, the children had difficulty falling asleep and I thought it wouldn't be a problem if they went to bed an hour later. The next day they don't have to go anywhere, so what am I worrying about? Let it go, mom, even if you're not going on vacation! Ok, I won't let it go completely, because the next day they are a bit more irritable than usual. Anyway, the reins a little looser is best. A little less busy, because you don't have any stress on holiday, do you?

Bring your home abroad even when you're not going on holiday

Buy those delicious French cheeses, a bottle of wine or that Italian Sambuca that you otherwise love so much. Get an ice cream more often at the Italian ice cream parlor in town and enjoy. Because that's what we do on holiday abroad, right? A bit like Mohammed and the mountain… if you don't go on holiday, you bring the holiday home a bit.

Grab your man by the guts and enjoy a good conversation together in the garden or on the couch. What do you always talk about during the holidays? Maybe you are still enjoying your work? What are your dreams? What would you like to learn again? Talk about it extensively. Although communication is always important in a relationship, of course, even if it is not a holiday.

Camping in your own home

Throw the mattress out of your children's bed and put it together in the room, or even better, in the living room. Now that is camping in your own home. Many children find this exciting and will remember this for years. “Remember when we didn't go on vacation? Then we were allowed to sleep in the living room!”.

Or maybe you dare to set up a tent in the garden. That is of course the pinnacle of camping at home. You just have to think of something if they have to pee at night or suffer from nightmares or night terrors.

Organize sleepovers

Are your child's friends not on holiday (yet)? Perhaps they can spend the night together. Cozy for your children. And if you exchange lodging, you'll have a few nice days in your pocket anyway! Ok, staying overnight is not my favorite either, but I do have a very happy child. That is also good for mommy's mood and remember that (if you plan it wisely) you also have an evening for yourself and your partner! So hop hop hop organize a slumber party!

Go out for a day

A day out during the holiday is always a good plan. And I am not talking about a day at an expensive amusement park (which is often a success), but you can also enjoy a cheap day out. If you are not going on holiday, you can enjoy a nice swim in the sea or at the nearby recreational lake when the weather is nice. Are you looking for inspiration for outings with children or free outings.

Or perhaps now is a good time to purchase a museum card. A world of museums opens up to you. And that's really not a dull world, believe me. We've had fun for many days!

Include a game day

We always play games on vacation. Hubby and I often do a game of Rummikub (really, only during the holidays) and why not do it in our backyard with a glass of wine? Also nice if you are not going on holiday and the children love to play a game together. I often don't take the time for it, because there is always a job to be found in the house. But take my advice to heart. Just leave things alone for a day and get the games out of the closet.

Or go make nice window drawings. Fun for everyone!

Go do 'something' every day

In any case, don't spend all day on your household. Try to do "something" every day. Go to a playground, the park, the petting zoo, the market, the library or invite someone for a bbq. It breaks the day, after which you can just get your house ready at home and the children can play. Because yes, that 'tent' at home must of course remain a bit clean. Or not.

For example, we have a cheese farm nearby, where you can not only buy cheese, but you can also look at the calves. Perfect cycling distance for the youngest of five years. And then we're nice under the pans.

Boredom is not bad at all

“Mom, I'm bored!” isn't a bad thing to hear. In fact, boredom can also be good for them. Children have to figure out for themselves what to do. Getting a little creative, sometimes 'out-of-the-box' thinking isn't so bad after all. But, after fifteen minutes of boredom, you can of course help your child get started by calling out some ideas.

Do you also stay at home during the summer holidays and are you not going on holiday? Then maybe you have more tips? Leave a comment below!