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The Walkie Talkie tent, for even more fun on holiday

Hahaha, I had to laugh so hard… the Walkie Talkie tent is making its entrance! As of today, this tent has been launched at the Vakantiebeurs by Vacanceselect at various locations in Southern Europe.

Walkie Talkie tent; the idea behind it

Of course, the Walkie Talkie tent did not just arise. There is indeed a philosophy behind it and it is as simple as can be. Back to the good old days. Because how much fun we had with those Walkie Talkies in the past. I played with my friends for hours with those piggies.

As we see more retro trends, the Walkie Talkie also comes back into the picture. Not the old 'refrigerators' of the past, but a more sophisticated model guarantees a lot of fun during these holidays. Provided you book such a Walkie Talkie tent of course 😉 .

Staying at a campsite for children has never been so good old-fashioned fun!

⇒ You book a Walkie Talkie tent at Vacanceselect.

The launch at the holiday fair

On the first day of the upcoming Vakantiebeurs, Vacanceselect will unveil the Walkie Talkie tent. This specially equipped glamping tent for children is named after the walkie-talkie that hangs in the tent. This means 'the children' are in contact with their parents, who live next door. But, most importantly, they can also play with it outside. For example, these retro gadgets contribute to the wish of many fathers and mothers that children reduce their use of mobile phones and tablets, especially during the holidays.

And what better way to curb tablet use than to have your children hand in their phone in exchange for the Walkie Talkie. For fun in the tent, but of course also for outside the tent on the entire campsite. I can't say exactly what the range of these devices is, but undoubtedly enough to hide two blocks away at the campsite and have a chat with your brother or sister. Or let your parents search of course!

Walkie Talkie tent in Southern Europe to book

The Walkie Talkie tent, which will be having its baptism of fire at various campsites in Southern Europe next summer, is part of the so-called TwinLodge. This is a new romantic tent duo:one for the children, one for the parents. A walkie-talkie is available in both tents.

Very handy, because this way you can not only enjoy the Walkie Talkies during the day, but also let your children sleep in their own tent in the evening with the Walkie Talkie next to them. After all, you are immediately available for them.