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The most beautiful places in America; 20+ must-sees

A while ago I wrote about our dream to experience another motorcycle holiday in America and about the trip we want to make with the children to America. That is now all 'on hold' because we bought a new house completely unexpectedly. But that shouldn't stop a person from dreaming, should it? Hence the 25 most beautiful places in America list for you, so that I don't have to swoon alone 😉 .

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These are the most beautiful places in America

To make a list of the most beautiful places in America for you, I consulted Frank, who has been there, and I took the tips of our readers to heart. So it is secretly not my list of the most beautiful places, but our list.

In addition, I would of course like to state that the order below is not based on anything. America is a special country and the most beautiful places alternate. The contrasts are grand and breathtaking.

Yosemite National Park

If you like nature, Yosemite Nationa Park is a beautiful area for you and a must see. A breathtaking valley between two large rock formations, called El Capitan and Half Dome. You enjoy hikes along the rock walls here and let's not forget Yosemite Falls. You can camp here in the middle of nature, there are various opportunities such as campsites and hotels to spend the night. Be true of the bear…

New Orleans

I only know New Orleans from the Vampire Diaries series, but New Orleans certainly seems to belong on the list of most beautiful places in America. So with this one. A bustling city with plenty of music in the streets, parades and festivals. Jazz music was born in this city and you can't ignore it. Stroll through the beautiful streets with overhanging balconies and imagine yourself in a fantasy world full of music.

Redwood National Park

This National Park is located in California and is known for its Sequoias. Or actually, these Coast Redwoods are family of the well-known Sequoias. The Redwood Park offers you the experience of driving or walking straight through a tree in America in one of the most beautiful places in America. Bizarre, isn't it? The trees are so huge and wide that they just cut a piece out of it that you can pass through. They grow up to 122 meters high (!) and are between 600-2000 years old. You have to be in the south of the park for these trees. Deer, raccoons and even the black bear can be found in this park.

Alcatraz Island

Historically, of course, Alcatraz wasn't exactly a vacation destination… Well, not one you went to voluntarily! The island became world famous because it served as a maximum security prison. The first prisoners arrived here during the American Civil War. But nowadays the prison is only visited by tourists. And it is definitely worth a visit! The prison has largely remained in its original state, and offers you a unique glimpse into the old prison life.

Alcatraz Island is located in San Francisco Bay, so a visit can be combined with a stay in this metropolis.

Monument Valley

Those who love unprecedented natural beauty can indulge themselves in Monument Valley. It is a vast desert landscape, in which pointed high rocks shoot out of the ground. It is a National Park on the border of the states
Arizona, Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. You can drive through it yourself with your car, or opt for a guided tour. The latter is highly recommended if you don't have four-wheel drive. The roads are often difficult to access and the area is very rough. But that does result in beautiful wild nature!

Death Valley

Another breathtaking National Park is Death Valley in California. Sounds a bit creepy maybe… But oh so beautiful. Death Valley is a large valley surrounded by rock formations and mountains. But don't imagine a peaceful, flat spot when you hear the word 'valley'… The area is rugged, and it's easy to get lost. It is also the driest and hottest national park in America. As a result, you will find unique flora and fauna! But don't forget to bring enough to drink…

Miami Beach

Also warm, but nice and relaxed:Miami Beach. I can hear you thinking:why should I turn my trip through America into a beach vacation? But you really should have seen Miami Beach. Especially if you're in the area! On Miami Beach you will be amazed… And there is all sorts of things around that are not 'pure nature', so if you have seen all those national parks, you can relax here and enjoy some variety. Also nice:there are all kinds of ways to explore the boulevard. For example, you can also just cycle around in a traditional Dutch way.

Grand Canyon

Those who don't know the Grand Canyon must have been living under a rock! The area is world famous – and truly one of the most beautiful places in America. If this doesn't impress you, I don't know what will! The Grand Canyon is a gigantic canyon in the state of Arizona. Here you will see beautiful views, rock formations that you say to yourself, and surprisingly versatile flora and fauna. But also be careful:in the dangerous area many accidents still happen, often with tourists.

Joshua Tree

Not only a U2 album but also the name of – again – a very beautiful National Park:Joshua Tree. It is located in southern California. Unique to this national park is the versatility that you see there. The eastern part consists of an arid desert landscape. While you are a bit cooler in the west; it is much more humid there. The icing on the cake are the areas of oases scattered throughout the park. Highly recommended for nature lovers!

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the world and is largely located in the state of Wyoming. This allows you to make a journey of discovery between ancient trees, which you will not encounter in our cold little country. It is located on a dormant volcano, and in the area you can find a lot of active geysers and heat sources. The vapors give the forest an almost magical look, and you will really be amazed in this park.

Key West

For people who visit Florida, a trip to Key West should not be missed. In fact, for me personally it is so high on the list of the most beautiful places in America that this in itself is worth a visit to the States… One problem:Key West is not exactly cheap. It is a popular destination among wealthy Americans, and prices have adjusted accordingly over the years. But the snow-white beaches and the Cuban-like street scene ensure that it will remain on my wish list… You can dream, I said!

Mammoth Lakes

For those who love water, but don't have a budget for Key West, there are always the American Lakes. At least as beautiful, by the way. Mammoth Lakes is a nature reserve in the state of California, where you will find countless beautiful lakes. In the winter you can enjoy winter sports, in the summer you can enjoy all kinds of other outdoor activities. An ideal destination if you like an active holiday.

San Francisco

While you're in California, you really can't skip the capital. San Francisco is not the most famous city in America, but definitely worth a visit. San Francisco is known for being a lot more relaxed than many other American cities. Not only in terms of crowds:they are also laid-back in terms of tolerance. And that results in a pleasant city, with beautiful architecture and culture.

Niagara Falls

Who doesn't know them:the impressive waterfalls. I've been wanting to visit Niagara Falls for so long. And I'm not the only one! No fewer than 28 million tourists come every year. But that's not for nothing:the unique environment certainly makes this one of the most beautiful places in America. It is located on the border of the United States and Canada (and let Canada be on my wish list too!).

Mount Rushmore

Also world famous, crowded and very impressive:Mount Rushmore. When you see it, you certainly know it:the rock-cut heads of 4 American presidents. A kind of natural history museum, but with only one work of art. But then a sculpture of no less than 18 meters high. Which is also at a great height. Definitely worth traveling through South Dakota!

New York

Not to be missed in our list of most beautiful places in America. But it would also do well in the list of 'busiest places in America'. New York is truly a metropolis. But make no mistake:you can also spend a lot of time there with the whole family. Visiting New York with children is highly recommended! Although it is of course still so romantic to stroll through Manhattan with your sweetheart…

Route 66

Who says “Route 66”, also says:Road trip! For motorcycle holidays, and for anyone who prefers to explore America on wheels, Route 66 is simply a must-go and is therefore certainly one of the most beautiful places in America. No discussion possible. The highway started in Chicago and ended in Los Angeles and was a whopping 3945 kilometers long. After a new Interstate Highway was added, the road was officially 'dismantled' in 1985… Which means that you now have a fairly clear path. Kilometer after kilometer you will not come across a chicken. Towards the ultimate freedom!

Sequoia National Park

Ever heard of the sequoia? That is one of the fastest growing trees in the world. And in Sequoia National Park, you'll find a gigantic forest full of these giants. Speaking of fairytale forests… It seems like a magical place, and is therefore highly recommended for nature lovers traveling through America. Sequoia National Park is located in the state of California, in the southern part of Sierra Nevada. And if you can't get enough of the enchanting landscape:you can also spend the night in the park!

Zion National Park

No shortage of national parks! And because they are so well cared for, they are often the most beautiful places in America. So is Zion National Park, in the state of Utah. Be sure to visit Zion Canyon:a canyon that is 24 kilometers long and no less than 800 meters deep. You will also enjoy unique flora and fauna. A bonus:this park is relatively easy to reach and visit yourself.


It's a completely different direction again, but Hawaii should certainly not be missing on our list of most beautiful places in America. It has a rich history, which has not always been rosy. At the same time, you will find a beautiful culture that lives on in relaxed Hawaii to this day. Think of a cocktail, a snow-white beach, a jet-blue sea… And I think the ideal holiday spot is complete!

Washington DC

There is a very different culture in Washington than in Hawaii… But it is perhaps all the more 'American'. There is, of course, plenty to see in the country's capital and political home. You've probably seen most of it in a movie! We have put together a small list of 'mustsees in Washington DC' for you:

  • Obviously, the White House. The White House! Would you say hi to The Donald for me?
  • The Capitol. This is where the Senate and Congress sit. The white dome is not to be missed!
  • Washington Memorial. This is a memorial to America's first president, George Washington. And immediately a very impressive building!
  • National Mall. That's not a shopping center, but it is a beautiful city park.

Also in the list of most beautiful places in America:Ruby Falls Chattanooga

The highest and deepest underground waterfall (open to the public) in America should certainly not be missed among the most beautiful places. With an elevator you go down 26 'floors' and then visit the cave and the waterfall during a guided tour. This beautiful waterfall is located 1100 meters below the ground!

Grand Teton National Park

One of our readers tipped us off about the Grand Teton. Definitely had to be on the list of most beautiful places in America, so voilà! Located in the northwest of the state of Wyoming, the peak of the Grand Teton Mountains is about 4198 meters high. Quite a few activities are organized in this park, but you can also enjoy nature.