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Make a tour with children:if you want, no bridge is too far

“Exploring the world is something you should do when you are young. Because a tour with children, that is really not going to happen anymore.” You hear it sometimes (especially when you're young 😉 ), and there is also a grain of truth in it. Because traveling around may not be the type of holiday that you still think about when you have children. But even if there are some snags, you really don't have to stop traveling around once you have a family!

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A tour with children; gain experiences together

The best thing about a holiday with the whole family is that you gain new experiences together. Whether you do that in our own country, or on the other side of the world, for example when exploring the jungle during a tour of Costa Rica. Did you and your love really enjoy traveling around when you were still free and happy (read:childless)? Then there is no reason to stop now that you do have a family. It takes a bit more preparation and planning than back in the days , but it is a wonderful way to pass on your wanderlust to your child(ren). And they immediately get to know the world better! If you can afford it, and you feel like it, I'd say do it. But first think about whether you (read:all of you) really feel like it.

A round trip with your whole family:the pros and cons

If you want to travel with the family, the age of your children is a determining factor. Of course it is not impossible to travel around with a baby or toddler. But also ask yourself:who are you doing it for? Of course it makes for beautiful photos for your albums (or your Instagram account), but your little one will not remember anything else.

If they are really still small, you might as well enjoy a holiday closer to home. And in one place. That saves a lot of travel time, and also a lot of money. Because let's face it:making a tour with children is a bit more expensive, and more organized, than a student backpacking adventure. Also because you don't want to end up at the cheapest locations. Are they still (too) small? Then you might be better off saving your money for a distant trip in the future. Then opt for a holiday that is quieter and more comfortable. Because you shouldn't be thinking about taking all that baby stuff with you on a tour, right?

Memories forever when you go hiking

There is nothing wrong with a nice beach holiday. Although after the umpteenth Canary island you sometimes wonder what happened on which island. And during which holiday. A distant tour, that provides memories forever, especially if you can go with children. It will change their worldview and give them impressions they will never forget. Who says a vacation with your parents is boring?

But how do you approach a tour with children?

Especially if you are already a real world traveler, it is tempting to plan your entire trip yourself. And you can, but keep in mind that you probably have higher requirements now that your children are traveling with you! Planning a tour with children therefore takes more time. You don't want them to end up in some dirty hotel. That's why an important tip if you want to go on a tour with your children a little further away:opt for an organized trip. That saves you a lot of effort, and if you book with the right travel organization you know it's in the right place.

Before you get excited about booking, think about what to expect. Do you already have trouble getting your teenager to pack that suitcase once? And do they always get slightly annoying when you're on the road? Then a tour might not be right for your family. Make sure you all know what you're getting into and that all the family noses are in the same direction! Towards your destination, so to speak.

Choose the destination

You can travel anywhere. Even in our own country you can travel until you weigh an ounce! And with younger children that is also great fun. Have you had enough days out and holidays in the Netherlands? Have you seen every outdoor playground, nature reserve and zoo by now? Then it is time to broaden your horizons.

A tour through Europe with children

It is ideal to travel around Europe with children. Of course you can take your own car. But how about a round trip by train? Sustainable transport, and at the same time you see a lot of the European landscape. It is nice to visit different cities, but you can also enjoy nature extensively. Moreover, you can easily book small hotels, a camping site or, for example, an (Air)BNB. You can be quite flexible, and that makes your tour so relaxed. But you can also make a real world trip and go even further afield of course!

Take a real world trip with the whole family

Especially when the children get a bit older, they can discover the world together with you in a wonderful way. How about a tour through Sri Lanka? Discovering Asia before you are an adult, that sounds like a dream, doesn't it? My brother did it this year, along with his children. I myself have a tour through America planned with my kids and I would really like to discover Africa.

What else is on your wishlist?