Family Best Time >> Travel

Did you know ? :it is while traveling that we forge our most beautiful memories

What is your most precious memory? That's the question last-minute booking site asked in a November 2017 survey of 8,000 adults in France, the UK, Germany and Italy. And the answer is clear:in the 4 countries, “a family trip” wins (59% in France), ahead of a romantic trip (46% for the French). Finally, "an epic evening with friends" is cited by 35% of French people and ranks as the 3rd most precious memory. Clearly, holidays are a special time for everyone, as on average Europeans say they have 8 memories linked to them.

Memories stronger than money

What makes holidays special? It's an opportunity to discover new places (cities and landscapes), to share moments with those you love and to have new experiences (like testing the local gastronomy, yum yum!). And for 32% of French people (compared to 28% of Europeans), it is the summer holidays that are the time of their most precious memory, while Christmas is cherished by only 17% of Europeans. sought to estimate the importance of our memories in an experiment during which volunteers were offered to erase (for fakes, of course!) a memory in exchange for a good sum of money. Verdict? In the video, they all refuse, but in the survey, it turns out that 38% of French people would accept...

And you, would you be willing to erase beautiful memories for money?