Family Best Time >> Travel

8 tips to extend your holiday benefits

1/ We start by planning our next great getaway, whether for the weekend or the future holidays. Because it's good for morale... and for the wallet:the earlier you start, the less you pay! We are monitoring the sales openings of airlines, such as those of EasyJet ( for spring 2015 for example, or the first minutes of tour operators. At Marmara (, 10,000 stays are up for grabs before September 30 at unbeatable prices:from €299 per week in Djerba for example, flights included!

2/ Exposing yourself to daylight as much as possible, to prolong your tan and good mood, by brainstorming or having lunch outside as soon as possible. We keep the good reflexes of summer:fruits and vegetables bursting with vitamins, grilled meats... And a digestive nap if we can. Ten minutes is enough to disconnect and boost its efficiency!

3/ We forget transport. Instead, we walk or cycle to the office listening to our favorite summer playlist. And we finally take advantage of the benefits of the CE to enroll in a gym or an activity at a reduced price.

4/ We set ourselves new professional challenges, from the reorganization of our office to the request for new training within the framework of the DIF (Individual right to training).

5/ We become monochrone (from monochronos, one time at a time), exactly like when we were sunbathing at the beach. We force ourselves to focus on the action in progress:if we have to work on an important file at the office, we refrain from checking our emails at the same time or answering the phone to avoid getting distracted. No, we are no longer efficient by doing 3 things at once...

6/ We plan our day, and at each time slot we decide to devote a single activity (including rest times!) as we did so well on vacation.

7/ We play lazy:we identify the 20% of our activities that will generate 80% return on investment. And we focus mainly on these 20% to devote more time to them than to the others. You spend less time, less money and less energy for the same results.

8/ We reconnect with ourselves, with our deepest desires. Failing to bubble, we create a bubble. For that, we don't hesitate to strike tweets, emails, calls... for half a day or more.