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5 good zen tips #1

We are silent off Cannes

Where ? At Notre-Dame de Lérins Abbey, on Saint-Honorat Island.

Why is it zen? About twenty Cistercian monks cultivate the vine there and the silence in the middle of secular olive trees, eucalyptus, cypresses, pines of Aleppo... We retreat there for two days or a week, sheltered from all noise except that of the bells. and gulls. We lend a hand with the vines if we want, we participate in daily tasks and above all we enjoy a totally preserved island.

Let's go ! Reservation required, tel. :04 92 99 54 20, hô[email protected] Direct maritime link between Cannes and Saint-Honorat in 20 min with the company Planaria (tel.:04 92 98 71 38).

And also:The Hôtel de l'Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud**** to have breakfast in the Priory or take a walk alone in the monastic city at nightfall. Or the Franciscan monastery of Saint Jerome, in Croatia, in the village of Ugljan, on the island of the same name which faces Zadar. Spartan rooms but beaches close by. Tel:00385 (0)