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Traveling by freighter:we dream of it. They did

Portraits of backpackers who are like us

In "Travelling by cargo ship" Mathilde Giard and Françoise de Tailly asked those who had this crazy idea to tell their travel experience. They left for several weeks to cross the oceans. To read this book, sincerely, is already to travel. This trip is rather a trip outside of ourselves, outside the rhythm of Facebook life, work, preparing to eat, watching TV and sleeping.

The question everyone is asking

Right from the start the book answers the basic question that everyone asks Excerpt:“But… aren't you bored? Unanimous answer:No! They then embark on a eulogy of slowness and silence that have become a luxury product, stars in their eyes, without giving the impression of having to join a club of silent old sea dogs, quite the contrary.

Everyone has their own story, there is the ecologist who wants to limit his carbon footprint, the lover who has set himself a challenge, the journalist who wants to disconnect from the internet. Twenty-five of them, aged 22 to 74, share their experience of these extraordinary journeys. They recount their life on board with the crew, their emotions in the middle of the ocean and their most beautiful stops. An invitation to dream and freedom with a practical guide to prepare your trip.

And single women too

Yes of course in these travellers, there are women and men, often solitary, but also couples. This book shows us that cargo travel is actually for everyone. The women report that they have never encountered any problems during their travels.

And how much does it cost?

The book also includes a practical guide, with all the information to prepare for your trip. We also have an idea of ​​the price. It costs between 60 and 120 euros per day fed / lodged / hosted. It is therefore not cheaper than a good old low cost airline. But in cargo travel ultimately, the journey is more important than the destination. Just like in life.