Family Best Time >> Travel

Feet in the water #2

In a cabanée, in Saône-et-Loire

Where exactly? In the Toue village of the Domaine des Demoiselles,


Why is it good? Because these cabin boats once used on the

Loire or Vienne for fishing or transporting goods return

center stage, and they're great for casting off and all

to forget. You can reach the 12 comfortable huts in the village on foot, or by

a boat in a few minutes, and let yourself be lulled by the murmur of

the pond of Digoin, in the middle of the many Demoiselle dragonflies.

Let's go ! From €100 per night and €204 the weekend (2 nights), maximum 5 people.

Phone. :03 85 53 76 60,

And also elsewhere:the toues cabanées of the Petite Madeleine (www.illeflottante.

com) on the Ille-et-Rance canal; boat trips on the Vienne this summer and bivouac trips on the Loire,

To read also to take water (without drinking the cup!):!-1-32815