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Feet in the water #1

In a fishery, in Loire-Atlantique

Where exactly? On the Saint-Nazaire seafront.

Why is it good? Perched on the quay of Sautron, these small cabins for net fishermen have always been part of the landscape, or almost. You can now rent one for the duration of a tide, for a few hours of initiation to fishing with a square net, or simply to watch others fish and sleep there in complete zenitude, lulled by the surf.

Let's go ! From €75 per night for 2 people, breakfast included. Phone. :0 811 260 160,

And also elsewhere:try fishing at the Trois Lacs leisure center in Eure (www.trois, with waterfront chalets bearing the “Pêche” label.

Also read to take a deep breath of iodine: