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The EU wants to offer an Interrail Pass to young Europeans

This is news that should delight young Europeans keen on travel:the European Commission wants to offer an InterRail Pass to all young people about to come of age. A nice gift that would allow them to travel across the European Union for a month, without having to spend a penny on transport. And when we know the price of a train or plane ticket, we can only rejoice in the possibility of this project!

The funding problem

Obviously, in the ranks of the Commission, the idea appealed. Because beyond the pleasure of traveling and discovering new horizons, this Pass could be a way of fighting against the rise of nationalism and bringing young Europeans together. But (there is always a but) it is the financing of the project which poses a problem and which divides the elected officials. Because yes, this initiative has a cost:every year more than 5 million Europeans reach their majority, and the price of an Interrail Pass can reach up to 400 euros. The budget allocated to the project would be in the billions of euros if it were to come to fruition.

The Commission will therefore have to give serious consideration to this question of the budget before being able to implement the proposal. But the idea is launched, and it's a safe bet that it did not fall on deaf ears...