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Women spend less than men on holidays

Men and women don't see things the same way when it comes to vacations. In any case, this is what a Censuswide study for Trainline reveals on the habits of French people when traveling.

Who said that women are more spendthrifts than men? According to a Trainline survey, the independent leader in the sale of train tickets online, this is not the case (in terms of travel in any case, for the rest we are not going to advance). Men indeed put their hands in their wallets more easily for their holidays. They spend an average of €644 when he stays in France compared to €590 for women. On vacation abroad, the sum rises to €2440 for them and €2109 for us (i.e. 15% more). Enough to silence the clichés!

Men more influenced by social networks than women

The study also reveals that the motivations of women and men are not the same when it comes to going on vacation in their country of residence. The fairer sex travels to visit family and friends while the primary goal of men is to discover new places. On the other hand, the two agree for stays abroad:they leave to discover new places, go sightseeing and enjoy nature! Traveling is good, but with a little company is even better. Here too, the preferences of men and women are roughly the same:both favor family travel (47.8% for women, 41% for men) over travel as a couple (32.6% for women, 39% men). Another surprising fact, men are more influenced by social networks (Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Snapchat) to choose their destination than women. Surprising, right? And finally, women are more far-sighted than men. They book 3 to 6 months in advance for 32% of them against 24.8% for men. That, we would have suspected!