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How to spend less money during the holidays?

How to spend less money during the holidays?

Holidays, I dream of them! But can I really afford it? A friend told me that subletting his apartment or his room could reduce his vacation budget.

With the sunny days and my vacation in perspective, I told myself that I would go to the seaside, enjoy the sun and the waves... It was by taking advantage of my friend's advice that I was able to leave by the sea for 15 days.

How? 'Or' What ? It's very simple friends:once the authorization has been signed by your landlord, you sublet your apartment, or simply your room when you share a flat.

The important thing is to have a written agreement from your landlord , in which case your sublet is not legal. You should also know that you remain responsible for any damage caused during your absence since you are the signatory of the lease.

If you live in Paris and even if you are only going away for 15 days, you will easily find a buyer:it is so difficult to find an apartment in Paris that people are ready to rent your apartment or your room for 15 days while waiting to find their real home.

So, I said to myself "to me the good life"! To do this, simply put an ad on the or sites. People can contact you directly by reading your ad, and you'll be surprised how many people are interested. So what are you waiting for to treat yourself to a tanning session, beach and all the rest?

Savings Achieved

Holidays are expensive, especially on-site rentals. By limiting this expense, you hurt your budget much less, so you no longer have to tighten your belt once you arrive. Subletting your apartment or room allows you to repay the duration of your stay. An example:your rent costs you 500 euros per month. If you rent it for 15 days, you receive 250 euros, to be used for your vacation rental.

You're killing two birds with one stone:you're doing a favor to someone who doesn't know where to sleep and you're saving a lot on your vacation budget. Since I've been using subletting, I can afford to go on vacation much more often, it's so pleasant. Have you ever sublet your apartment? Tell me all about it in your comments.