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How to spend an original weekend in the mountains?

This winter, it's decided, you'll reach new heights! During a short stay or a getaway in the mountains, you can take the opportunity to test new activities and accommodations that are out of the ordinary . Gypsy caravan, chalet, igloo... There's something for everyone.

During this original weekend in the mountains, whether in Savoie, in the Provencal Alps, in the Pyrenees, the Vosges, the Jura or other snowy territory, you are ready for the adventure where the unusual meets the pleasure to discover .

Treat yourself to fun at altitude!

Adventure and thrills

Apart from the almost traditional snowshoes, we have found some trendy sports and attractions to discover absolutely during a stay in the mountains.

We take off with the pski gliding

You are surely familiar with the paraglider, this aircraft built with a large sail and a harness. From now on, it is possible to fly away with skis on :amazing, right?

With a correct level in skiing, you can enjoy an aerial ride and finish with a downhill run in the resort . The instructor stays with you in the paraglider, so you are safe. It's a refreshing activity that is full of thrills for your weekend in the mountains!

We trace the ice in a bobsleigh

If you've seen the movie "Rasta Rockett", you'll quickly understand where we're taking you! Direction La Plagne in Savoie, where a unique bobsleigh track in France waiting for you.

1500 meters long with 19 bends, it hosted the Albertville Olympic Games in 1992 ! It is considered one of the most technical in the world, so to have fun in a safe and unusual setting, it's a perfect place.

Seduced for an icy ride on the track ? "Trace the ice, it's the bob man"! You can now book your weekend stay in the mountains with Sport Découverte and enjoy these sporting activities.

We surf on the snow in a snowscoot

A true hybrid between a scooter and a ski, this unidentified snow vehicle promises gliding and surfing for amateurs. Looks like a bike with handlebars and a board , the snowscoot is accessible to beginners who want to try!

Depending on the stations where it is found, it takes different names such as FAT scooter or snowscoot. The discipline is very real, with enthusiasts capable of doing cross, freeride or slalom for example.

Animals are popular

Sled dogs from the Far North

This activity is more and more known and always more appreciated by visitors curious to discover the way of life of these sled dogs .

These animals came from the Far North require real discipline to train them. The pack must be functioning well before it can accommodate passengers in the sled. You are seated behind, and the dogs lead the dance during your walk in the mountains!

Savoie, Hautes-Alpes, Auvergne, Annecy … The sled dogs offer you a snowy ride through the paths covered with a white coat. It's a bit magical, this connection between humans, animals and nature. A real moment of pleasure in perspective for this snowy weekend!

The llama sledge for children

We knew the toboggan run, here comes the llama toboggan:children accepted from an early age ! This friendly and fun activity can be practiced in some resorts in France, including Névache in the Hautes-Alpes.

The principle:a toboggan ride behind a llama ! It's an original winter activity that also allows children to discover this soft and docile animal, not to believe the adventures of Tintin 😉

If some of these animals are therefore approachable by humans, many others hide and live off the known beaten track. Depending on the region and the season, species can migrate and burrow waiting for the right moment. Find out more or watch them, they will offer you their best profile during your weekend!

What if we went out of the ordinary with very unusual accommodation?

Before booking or clicking for your holidays in the mountains, you have taken good care to find out about the various facilities of the resort. If not, do so. You can find some tips to prepare this trip with peace of mind.

Falling asleep snuggled up in an igloo

The Inuit are at the origin of this type of accommodation, which is quite natural and typical of the Arctic region where are they from. Having arrived in our resorts, igloos are made today with a certain comfort, to make you spend unusual nights in the mountains.

Everything is provided inside:ice bed, dining area, sleeping area for lovers. Some even have doors or sculptures for the original side of this habitat which freezes the incredible. We assure you, you will have a good night in this wonderful world of ice.

Being in your bubble

Surely you knew these strange spherical-shaped installations from where you can see the whole exterior. The bubbles as they are called, have multiplied in the low altitude regions to offer you a sweet night under the stars. With all the comforts inside, the experience is amazing!

What if now we gain altitude and lock ourselves in our bubble? Facing Mont Blanc for example, the romantic and intimate setting is at the height of your expectations. You enter, dine and sleep in the bubble with an exceptional panorama.

It's the perfect setting to spend a romantic weekend at the top of the world!

Finnish living

They look like mountain lodges, except they are called "kotas" in Finnish . Built in wood, this typical accommodation of Finnish Lapland immigrated to the Ariège Pyrenees. In the shoes of trappers like in the old days, you face the polar cold... Or almost!

A true return to basics and nature, you can sleep for a short stay in this traditional but unusual dwelling for us . Don't worry, the vital minimum is provided to allow you to enjoy this 100% natural way of life during your stay at altitude.

Some activities are available in both summer and winter, such as the Orcières-Merlette 1850 zip line or grass skiing (yes, it really does exist!). You can also choose the cocooning and relaxation option during your stay in the mountains. Diving into a hot water bath, while you are outdoors, is simply magical! Watch out for the cold snap though!