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The Dutch prefer to spend the weekend with their partner

The Dutch prefer a weekend away with just their partner (57%), together with the children (28%) or with a group of friends (20%). And they prefer to do this in their own country. If they could spend a weekend with a celebrity, they would prefer to do so with Chantal Janzen, followed by Humberto Tan, Johnny de Mol and Anouk. Money (43%) is most often cited as a barrier to having a great weekend. After that, a lack of time (23%) and work (14%) are things that prevent the Dutch from enjoying themselves more during the weekend. This is according to a survey of 7,000 adults from seven different European countries (UK, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, France, Italy and Germany).

The Dutch are not very spontaneous when it comes to planning their great weekend. Of the seven countries, the Dutch are the least likely to plan their weekend. To experience a great weekend, the Dutch prefer to eat out (47%). They also enjoy meeting up with friends and family (37%) or going for a walk (34%).

An ideal weekend for the Dutch consists of a balance between being busy (50%) and relaxing (50%). This is different from the other six countries; here most prefer to relax (63%) than to be busy (37%). When it comes to experiencing a great weekend, bad weather is the biggest setback. The Dutch prefer 22 degrees Celsius at the weekend, which is 2 degrees colder than the average temperature in Europe. 30 degrees or more, the Dutch find too warm. Furthermore, a lack of money or time is most often mentioned as an obstacle to having a great weekend.

How much does it cost to have a great weekend? People spend an average of $182 on weekends. Men spend an average of 39% more on this outing than women, at $211 versus $152. In the Randstad this amount is slightly higher and is on average €206. The least is spent in the east of the country. Here they spend an average of €161 to have a great weekend.

A nice weekend away does not have to cost a lot of money and time. Taking a short road trip by car is possible for very little money. Especially if you use these handy apps for travel, you can save a lot of money, time and unnecessary irritations.