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How to afford a summer vacation this year

Not everyone can afford a vacation every summer. Would you like to go on holiday but you don't have enough money? Here are 6 ways you might be able to save some money for a vacation.

1. Set a savings target
How much money do you need to go on vacation? To work towards your vacation, you need to set an amount that you think you will need and then start saving.

2. Create a spending plan
If you don't have a personal or household budget, this is the first step to finding money for your vacation. If you don't use a budget, you will probably be surprised how much money you spend on certain things. Once most people take the time to track their expenses and create a budget, they usually find it easy to identify costs they can cut back on.

3. Look for ways to spend less
If you look at what you spend your money on, add up what you spend, and determine how much you want to spend, most people can find hundreds of dollars that they can reallocate to something else, like paying off debt or going on a much-needed vacation to go.

4. Look for things to save money on
There are many things people can save money on that they have not yet thought about. Additional savings may come from smarter shopping strategies, your job, the government, or your spending.

5. Have bills transferred automatically
Your bank can help you set up automatic transfers from your account to another account that is difficult to withdraw. This can be a high-interest savings account that is not linked to your bank card.

6. Go on a “staycation”
If money is tight, there's nowhere to escape and relax. “Staycations” have become more popular than ever.