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89-year-old grandmother travels the world solo

Who said that after a certain age you can no longer travel?! In any case, it was not the 89 years of Baba Lena, a Russian grandmother, who prevented him from embarking on the crazy adventure. Having been unable to travel the world as she wished in her youth, the octogenarian is now taking advantage of her retirement to travel.

A decision taken six years ago

In the 1970s, she had the opportunity to visit Poland, Prague and East Germany. But the lack of time and money had forced her to end her journey, reluctantly. And finally, a few years ago, when she was 83 years old, Baba decided to take advantage of her retirement to travel around the world. For lack of means, the traveler left in a backpack and solo. Since making this decision 6 years ago, she has traveled to Turkey, the Czech Republic, Germany, Vietnam, Israel and Thailand. And she has no intention of stopping there. His next destination? The Dominican Republic where she intends to blow out her 90 candles! We are in awe!