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It is possible to cross the United States by train for 200 euros

This is news that will delight fans in the United States! Indeed, even if you don't often think about it, the train is one of the best means of transport to visit a country. And thanks to this unique train launched by the Amtrak company, it is possible to cross the entire North American continent from East to West. Departing from San Francisco, this very comfortable train travels to New York in 15 days, passing through must-see cities such as Denver or Salt Lake City. A unique way to visit one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

More than reasonable prices

For a sum of between 200 and 400 euros (depending on the type of cabin desired), the company offers up to 8 different sections. It is even possible to do San Francisco-Chicago for 120 euros. So, if you opt for the luxury option, we admit that 400 euros remains a reasonable sum for a 15-day trip. Treat yourself!

Thanks to this company, it is therefore possible to visit multiple facets of the United States. A journey that will surely remind you of Agatha Christie's famous novel on the Orient Express. More American sauce and less murder...