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Holidays:the advantages of going out of season

Rome, Prague, Barcelona. So many destinations where it is good to go… out of season! An idea that is attracting more and more couples without children. Benefits ? One leaves when the others return (and one arranges one's employer). We save ourselves the traffic jams (and these long breaks on dubious motorway areas). We avoid the summer tourist crowds and take the time to chat with the locals, who are more relaxed. And of course, we get good deals:a cheap train/plane ticket, a cheaper hotel room. And with all those savings? We can think about our next departure, in the off season of course!

A guarantee of freedom

Not a fan of organization? Going out of season also means offering yourself more flexibility. No more road trips booked 6 months in advance and welcome to the era of last minute booking. According to a study by (site for booking stays, ticketing, etc.), 47% of bookings by French people leaving in September are made in the 2 weeks preceding departure. On the other hand, to avoid unpleasant surprises if you choose to leave out of season, a few precautions are necessary:​​for example, you make sure that the tourist sites you want to visit are open and you find out about the weather there. to arrive (it would be a shame to leave the French gloom to land in the middle of the monsoon, wouldn't it?!).

What if our next vacation takes place earlier than planned?