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We tested Aquamotion, the place to be happy in Courchevel

This year, the Christmas spirit seems to have left… And with only a handful of days left before welcoming 2019, I felt all flagada, basta, moral in socks and dark circles until at the bottom of the cheeks. An end of the year in blood pudding. And then… A magic wand came to rest on the tip of my wrinkled nose, and in 48 hours my life changed! I landed in a place that seems to have been designed by God himself. A small miracle creates in the heart of our mountains, a haven of joy where all is order and beauty, luxury, calm and voluptuousness! Aquamotion is the name of this wonderland which in just two days has sculpted a slightly blissful smile on my face that never leaves me, because even though I have returned to Paris, I am still soaring. How? 'Or' What ? Explanations…

I left with my 11-year-old son, which is always very enriching but very rarely relaxing (…) But Aquamotion took my son in his huge arms and made him (in disorder) surf on an indoor wave, giant slide, sprawling canyon, climbing wall, indoor and outdoor pools, diving boards, and water games... In short, the child had a blast and, extremely rare, fell asleep at 8 p.m. moan! While my offspring was exhausted, I got petted, and I managed to releaseeeeeer releaseeeer all my tensions! Aquatic massage in a salt cave, caldarium, hammam, invigorating baths, heated swimming pool as we like (a lot!), reflexology, shiatsu, sophro, osteo… A giant hug for a mother at the end of the year… I was so regenerated that the next day I did swim cross (a kind of new generation aquagym allowing you to eliminate all the end-of-year calories in advance), aqua bike, and even Icaros, a revolutionary machine that immerses you in the virtual reality while working out your buttocks! And since we were in the middle of the Alps, we even had time to go down some slopes!

In 48 hours, I lived three lives, and I came home convinced that I had rejuvenated... My son? I think he's still sleeping! (laughs…) THANK YOU life for making me discover this paradise! Come 2019, that's it, I'm ready, I'm waiting for you impatiently!

Aquamotion Courchevel – 1297 Route des Eaux Vives, 73120 Courchevel Village – 09 71 00 73 00