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Favorite hotel:Villa Saint-Ange, in Aix en Provence

Where is it?

A few minutes walk from the Cours Mirabeau, the "Champs Elysées of Aix".

Why is it good?

This former 18th century bastide converted into a unique hotel with a Second Empire spirit (but above all a family home!) is a perfect hideout for lovers of culture, Provence or simply lovers.

What do we do there?

We draw the line in the imposing 28m long heated swimming pool where we simply enjoy the sun in idleness mode between pools, fountains and gardens, in a very beautiful area of ​​8,000 m2.

And around?

Gourmet shopping, between calissons shops – the city's emblematic almond confectionery – and Provençal markets, lazing around on the terrace at Place des Cardeurs or Place d'Albertas, but also visiting the latest exhibitions of the moment at the Hôtel de Caumont- Center d'Art, one of the most beautiful mansions in the city, at the Hôtel de Gallifet or at the Granet museum. Without forgetting a short pilgrimage to the studio of the painter Cézanne, installed on the Lauves hill, facing the Sainte-Victoire mountain, and which has remained almost intact...

What do we eat there?

Sitting comfortably outside on the terrace or sheltered behind the large windows of the restaurant-winter garden, we enjoy the cuisine "neither gastro nor bistro, but romantic" of the young chef Nadège Serret who gives pride of place to local products and seasonal fruits and vegetables, and brilliantly revisits the calisson for dessert.

The plus?

The magnificent gardens of the hotel, which give the impression of being hidden in the heart of the countryside despite being very close to the city center... Brice Garella, who was personally involved throughout the renovation of the hotel, from monitoring the site to choosing the paintings to hang in the corridors or the rooms. A profitable investment as Villa Saint-Ange is so unique!

Let's go!

From €260 per night in a double room. Villa Saint-Ange, 7, Traverse Saint-Pierre, 13100 Aix en Provence. Tel. :04 42 95 10 10

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